Cadeautip: Onze nieuwe mosportretten! Leuk om te geven met een persoonlijke tekst naar keuze!

Flat moss box [XL] Light

  • Sustainable choice 100% natural, 0% maintenance.
  • From 3 pieces: 5% discount


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€132,79incl. VAT
€109,74excl. VAT


This 60x40x21 cm box (2 layers) contains +/- 3 KG of flat moss. This flat moss is ideal for making approx. 1 m² of moss walls, moss artwork, flower arrangements and other decorative purposes. For 1 m², you need 1-2 boxes depending on how accurately/selectively you work. Flat moss is available in different colours. You can also combine the colours and different types of mosses to create your own moss mix.

We have prepared the moss naturally for you. This prepared moss has the highest quality, which is 100% natural and requires 0% maintenance. This moss will stay in this beautiful condition for many years (10-20 years) if used indoors. The moss is not suitable for outdoor use.

The moss has a natural smell, this gradually decreases and is harmless. Also, the prepared moss may give off when touched/mounted. You can easily clean it with soap and water. The moss can be attached with our 5 kg ECO glue, which can also be ordered from our webshop.

Would you like to purchase larger batches of moss. Please contact us at [email protected].

Our moss has many advantages:

  • Stands for a green statement
  • High acoustic damping
  • Fire-retardant
  • Durable / very colourfast
  • No maintenance (no watering)
  • Requires no daylight
  • Permanently soft. At a low humidity of 20-30%, the moss may harden. As soon as humidity rises again, the moss becomes soft again.
  • Dirt-repellent / antistatic
  • No daylight required
  • Attach with our special ECO moss glue, to be ordered in the webshop

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Djinni Aarts Mos specialiste


Maintenance-free: The moss is no longer alive. Therefore, it no longer needs water, nutrients, or daylight.
Insect-repellent: The natural salts prevent insects from crawling in
High tactile quality: Moss feels naturally soft and elastic
Dirt-repellent: Antistatic, does not attract dust
Lifespan: Highest moss quality, very colorfast, 10-20 years
Durability: 100% eco-friendly, obtained under state supervision, environmentally friendly processing
Fire-retardant: Due to natural salts, fire classification: B – s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1:2018
Weight: +/- 3 KG
Content: +/- 1 m2
Box dimensions: 60x40x21 cm. Provided with 2 layers of moss


De mossen die ik bestelde, is prachtig en paste perfect in onze nieuwe salon. Mooi diepe kleuren. Er was in het begin wel een lichte mosgeur, maar die verdween na een paar dagen. Verder alleen maar lof!

Sanne van de berg

Flat moss box [XL] Light
Flat moss box [XL] Light
